MnUSA Legislative Reception
Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA) will hold its annual reception on February 21, 2024, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Ridge Event Center, 161 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103. All legislators and members are invited to attend.
MnUSA's legislative priorities for the 2024 session include:
- Protection of the integrity of the Snowmobile Dedicated Account - protect against raids on the account for non-snowmobile related uses
- Support legislation that will exempt building materials and supplies used for snowmobile trails from sales tax
- Support legislation that increases the penalties for loud mufflers
- Protection of the unrefunded gas tax attributed to snowmobile use
- Protection of the use of snowmobiles on public land
- Support programs and policy that encourage continued access to private land for public use
- Support the use of a portion of the Parks and Trails Legacy Funds for trails that benefit snowmobiling
- Support legislation that will protect and accommodate trail crossings impacted by development of any new publicly funded rail developments for both light and heavy rail
- Support legislation and/or policy that will allow Grant-In-Aid trails to remain and/or be added to all existing or new WMA/AMA's.
- Support of legislation that requires all snowmobiles, including collector snowmobiles not in a registered event, have either a current registration or a trail pass to operate on a designated state or grant-in-aid trail.
- Oppose any action at any governmental level to ban studs on natural surface trails
To find out who your legislators are to invite them to join you at the reception, go to